Tuesday 28 January 2014

second Music Magazine cover

This is my second attempt at a magazine front cover, the first I though was to cluttered and did not portray my target audience correctly. With this version I have created a much softer image, relating also to indie music, not just rock. More like Q magazine than Kerrang. Also in this I decided on a colour for my Masthead, I think that the dark red will stand out amongst the rest of the page and draw the eye to it. As with the other cover the colour scheme will be finalised when designed on adobe, so I can play around with different styles

Draft Of Article Music Magazine

This is the one half of my article page, with the main image and focus being the half close up face shot of the band member. On the other side of the page I plan to do the same but with a darker or red filter on the camera. This can relate to the two sides of the person, good and bad, and I think it will make an interesting image that will draw in the reader to the article. As for the rest of the page the article will be based around the main image and follow round the edges, with a small fact box to break up the information on the page.

The colours will follow the covers scheme, dark reds, greys blacks and whites. This will be shown in the background and the title of the page "Interview unstrung".

Thursday 9 January 2014

Draft for double page contents

The color scheme will follow on from the front cover page as it will through all pages. I have decided to use two pages for the contents as this will create more space allowing the page to hopefully look less cluttered and allow an easier viewing, so relevant information for the reader is more easily accesable. The page will include images of live bands and small advertisments dotted around the page.

Draft Of Music Magazine Front Cover

Although not shown in the draft the colour scheme for the page will be black white red yellow and maybe light blue. This draft shows the basic layout including how I would like to structure my Main image with a three member band, of which will link to the splash. The abundance of colour is because when designing the page on a program I want to be able to experiment widely with the color of the page so I can find a more suited scheme to fit the magazine, my audience and the genre of music that I will be focusing on