Wednesday 19 February 2014

Unstrung Music magazine cover first upload

I followed my draft design quite closely using the same colours and text. I still need to add the images to the cover, both my main and my subsidiary image of the Yellowcard concert. I decided to use this draft as my outline because I felt that my first draft was to cluttered and so in this one I hoped to make it look more simplistic, following in the lines of Q magazine rather than an NME styled cover. Weather the colours of the text will fit the background or the main image, I don't know yet so I may have to alter them accordingly to whichever suits best. Also i need to make the proper design for my masthead, but I am not 100% sure weather the masthead I designed will go with the style of the magazine but I will try to make a rough one to see how it looks on the page. And finally the last thing I need to add is the pug in the top right hand corner of the page, which will include information on merchandise details and a competition.

School Magazine contents page

Here is the final design for my school magazine contents page, it follows the same colour scheme, fonts and design as the front cover so that the two look similar. I used pictures of my class taking images for their music magazine covers and I also included links to social media websites to show that the magazine also has multiple media platforms.