Thursday 17 October 2013

This is my most recent version of my School Magazine Front Cover, as you can see I have now added my main image on the page that thankfully fitted around my previous design so I didn't have to do much editing on the photo to make it fit. Another new part are the subsidiary images to the bottom left of the page. On their own they didn't seem to stand out as much as I had thought so I put a boarder around them to compensate. A few things I have changed include the the plash colour as I think it makes more of an impact on the page in red. The colour of the Sub articles has also changed, this is due to the background being the same colour so the text was to hard to read, so I changed it to black.

I have also now added the small contents box in the bottom corner, again having to make the colour of the text right to fit the background. And last of all I have now included my cover line and so the magazine cover is complete. Although this is not my final draft, its close to it, as all I really need to do now is put a suitable boarder around the splash line and any other text that needs it. Along with making the Pug stand out more.

Saturday 5 October 2013

This is the first attempt at creating my School magazine front cover on Adobe InDesign CS6. Using basic tools such as Text box and shapes. Changing the colours to match my original draft on paper as best as I could, and overall am quite happy with the results, even though it is not finished so far the design has gone as expected and looks good. A section I was particularly  please with was the mast head, I managed to find fonts that where both accurate with the first design but also fitted in with the magazine. Also using the rectangle tool I managed to make small highlights on the "KH" which makes it look more defined and noticeable among other fonts. The only thing I think will be a problem is the size of separate sections, like the subsidiary images that I am yet to do. but so far it hasn't been a problem and it looks accurate.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

School Magazine draft cover - image and analysis

This is the very first draft of my school magazine front cover, only rough but in colour and with the majority of the content an images that  want on my cover.

This is the masthead of my magazine cover "KHV iii" Simply the name of the school in black and yellow/ gold which are the main colours of the school with a red background to make it stand out more amongst the other information. Along with the bold KH I wanted to add something a little more traditional. As in the schools slogan is "Respecting tradition, embarrassing the future" the masthead reflects on both of these aspects. Also The large fonts used make it dominate the page along with the colours.
 Here we have my main image which is a medium shot of a pupils torso holding up his results, relevant to the splash line focusing on results day. Although the image shows a boy in uniform iv decided to change it to a boy in normal clothing as on results day personal clothing was worn, and it also shows the progression of a pupil to a 6th form student. The background of the image will be of the waiting room in upper school, the main area where we revived our results.
The splash line "Results are in!!!" directly relates to the main image and also corresponds to the main cover line located beneath it, and the splash also adds an amount of excitement. Also maybe unclear in the image the writing will be red, but depending on the background it may also be black, whichever stands out the most. And as the image shows a box surrounding it to give it more of a bold affect, making it more eye catching
 "Will it be tears of joy?" the main cover line being a question draws the reader/ pupil in more, asking them a direct question to capture there attention. linking to the main image and the splash, the cover line gives extra information on the subject, telling the reader that the main article will be on individual student response to their results, some good some bad. tears of joy, tears of sadness. again like the splash the font will be either red or black, whichever is more effective with the background. Unlike the splash as the information is less important or not as relevant as the splash it will not be help in a box but just on its own. 
The pug for my magazine cover will simply be to draw more at attention the the magazine, offering the reader a possible prize. it will be contained in a yellow circle contrasting with the red outside so it is eye catching. I was unsure what kind of prize to give away but it will also contain the prize in the pug to make it more appealing.

 The header bar I used as a way to put in other things that the magazine will cover apart from the main splash and sub articles. "A waffle bar!?!?" on the recent promise of the school getting a waffle bar i personally was exited and thought it would add another side to the content, aside from results and other normal school subjects like uniform. this tells the reader that the magazine covers a wide variety of subjects. Also shown in the other part of information New Member's of staff... The colour scheme will be a black boarder which will continue around the whole magazine with the two parts of information being in yellow and red, continuing the scheme of red yellow black and white.
The footer bar will have "Your Opinion On Uniform" I added this section to the front cover as it shows that the magazine offers a place where students can voice there opinions on events or issues, and have there thoughts published. The footer bar will also be where the bar code with the date and price will be.
 The contents section will give you a small insight into what will be on the contents page, either contained in a box or left on its own the font will be small compared to the mast head and the splash and will be red and black.
 The subsidiary images unlike those in the picture will be pictures of pupils in the certain subjects, Art maths and sciences. covering the whole range in the school so there is something for every pupil depending on there interests. To change the grid structure of the page I slanted the images on different angles to keep it looking interesting amongst everything else on the cover. 
Sub articles located down the left hand side of the page will offer a small insight into other articles that the school magazine will cover, like upcoming events such as the "eisteddfod", and "tips and tricks, hand for revision". The information will be black and red alternating and the background will be the photo that covers the whole page.