Monday 28 April 2014

Unstrung Magazine Article

For my final design of the first page of my article I again wanted to make the transition from the previous page. (Contents page) clear. So to do this I used the same colour in the background that I hoped would be lighter but came out darker in the image, but i think it still atchieves it. Also I used the Mashead in the corners of the page which also breaks the pages classic look with more viberant colours, like red. The article itself consists of around 1000 words on the topic of a upcoming band, The Waiting Game. In this i wanted to present a sense of proffesionalism in the journalism but also have that uthamistic side that applys it more to the target audience and to make it more entertaining. I did this by including questions that would inhibit a funny or entertaining answer to my made up band.

The second page is simply the full page image of my band member "Ray" again the page follows the same layout with the white boarder with the contrasting Masthead. In the picture I wanted to convey the informality not shown in the article. By taking the photograph outside with the model sat down on the ground creates this effect.

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