Saturday 26 April 2014

Unstrung Magazine Cover

To my final finished Unstrung cover I made a few slight changes to the original first update, including I changed the font of the Splash to a less chunky Script Mt Bold which I think complements the genre specific Main Image, of an Indie styled Artist. Also to show that my Magazine is a multi-platform brand, In the Footer bar I put the link to the Unstrung website, as a way for the reader to gain access to extra content like interviews and as a way to get involved directly with the magazine through the online chat rooms and comments pages.

I also got rid of the text underneath the Splash as I think it made the page look to cluttered with information which was not what I was aiming for as a final page. I was heading more towards the less cluttered Q magazine styled front cover, not its Kerrang counterpart.

Additions to the page include the Main Image, in which I used the background of my dining room as I thought the faded patterned wallpaper gave it a alternative Indie style to the page. For the Model I used my friend Jemma to pose making sure not to make eye contact with the camera as I believe this also adds to the indie vibe. For costume I wanted to give the typical alternative look with black skinny jeans, wrist bands and a beanie hat. This look can directly relate to my audience as it will be how they dress and there will be similarities in fashion sense. I also added a subsidiary which is of the band Yellowcard, the quality of the image is not the best but I believe it plays an important roll in tying the whole page together and contrasting with the light background.

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