Thursday 5 December 2013

Music Magazine Questionnaire first draft

Music Magazine Questionnaire 1

1.  Are you Male or Female?

Male                 Female

2. What is your age category do you fall under?

15-18         19-25       25-32       33- 40           40+

3. How often do you buy Music Magazines?

-At least once a week.  

-Once a fortnight.

-On the odd occasion.

-Very rarely.


4. What genre out of these provided do you primarily listen to?

Rock          Metal          Indie          Pop          Classical           Rap

5. For the front cover of a magazine, what main image would you prefer?

- Image of whole Band

- Female artist

- Male artist

- Boy band

- Mixed Gender band

6. Out of these options, what masthead do you prefer?

- Unstrung

- Feedback

- Drop D

- Snap String



7. Out of these images, which would you prefer out of these mastheads?   (need to imput images)

8. With the chosen image what improvements, if any, would you make?

Please specify: _________________________________________________________

9. In a magazine how many pages would you expect there to be?





10. What would you be most interested to read in the magazine?

-Articles on artists

-Gig guides

-Reviews on albums

-Recommendations for music

-Most recent releases

Thank you for your time.

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