Wednesday 18 December 2013

Questionnaire 2nd and final draft

Please tick one for each question, unless otherwise instructed

1. Are you male or Female?

  • Male
  • Female
2.What age catgigory do you fall under?

  • 15-21
  • 22-30
  • 31-39
  • 40-50
  • 50+
3. Do you buy music magazines?

  • Yes
  • No
4. If so how often? (If no, do not answere )

  • Every week
  • Once a fortnight
  • Once a month
  • Only on occasion
5. If you were to read a music magazine, what genre would you like to read about?

  • Rock
  • Rap
  • Indie
  • Metal
  • Pop
  • Classical
6.Out of these options which for you would work as the best masthead?

  • Unstrung
  • Feedback
  • Drop D
  • Slap string
  • Snap string
7. In a magazine how many pages would you expect to see avalable?

  • 40-50
  • 50-60
  • 60-70
  • 70-80
  • 80+
8. In a magazine what information would you profer to read about? ( pick more than one if you choose )

  • Artists
  • Gig Guides
  • Reviews on Albums
  • Music reccomendations
  • Recent releaes
9. Out of these images provided which would make a more suitable masthead?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
10. How much would you be willing to pay for a amagazine?

  • £1.99 or below
  • £2.00- £3.50
  • £3.50-£5.00
  • £5.00+
Thank you for your time.

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