Thursday 1 May 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How does the Media product Represent a particular social group?
For this question I had to ask myself how did my images appeal to my audience of a particular age and social group. In my images, majority being on my Main artist, I wanted to convey a direct link between the model in the image and that of my audience, of age range 16 to 25. I wanted my Front cover to give the same effect on the audience that Q magazine does. Usually with one individual being the centre of the image with raw emotion giving the reader the insight into that artists music.

For my main cover image I wanted to change the steriotype of male leading artists and use a female so my magazine will draw in both genders and not just pradominantly one. I was going for the Indie almost Hipster esk costuming as my magazine does not just focus on the heavy rock and alternative genres. But to tend to the alternative spectrum of readers I wanted the costume to be mainly dark colours like for instance the beanie and the black skinny jeans. I think that you can tell a lot about an artist and the sound their band produces from the way they act, and in turn their costume. With her also holding a guitar down by her side, it gives the reader a small but needed insight into what this band is going to sound like, clean, vibrant, and emursive. I did not want any over done make up, just enough to bring out the look in her eyes and her expression correctly.
Her body language I hope gives the impression of a careless attitude. The lack of eye contact with the reader and the relaxed body language.

For my main Article image, I wanted to bring in a new band to give my magazine more authenticity, again with this image I wanted to give an expression of relaxation, predominantly in the males and then the female in the centre looking more agressive, so she was more the centre of the image, telling the reader she is the lead singer of the band. A big part of my magazine was to introduce up and coming bands to my audiene and not just follow the normal codes and conventions of the everyday magazine, and this image of "Rage City" is a part of that.

In my article image the model is wearing the same costume and so the principle for representing my audience is the same, I wanted people who dress the same to her to find an interest in the magazine. In this image is now an acoustic guitar highlighting the softer side of their music, acoustic sets and tours. And I also wanted to represent the Indie genre through the location in which this image was set, a summer house. These images of my leading artist in the magazine represent one large group of my target audience. As my magazine focuses on multiple genre specific groups, This image and my cover will tend to the Indie crowd, with the more mellow music taste. Like Q my magazine does not focus on one specific genre of music, one week they publish a cover with the lead singer of Muse and the next week it could be Lilly Allen, or Jay-Z. I wanted to also convey the same idea but with more closely tied music genres, Indie linking to soft rock and Alternative and them leading to Rock and Metal.

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