Saturday 3 May 2014

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The first and most used Technology is the site in which I use to post my coursework for my music magazine, Blogger. Over months of using Blogger to update my blog I have found it increasingly easy to use, as the layout is very simple and allows for easy and quick production of posts. A part which took me a while to get to grips with was how to embed files from other websites onto the blog and so being able to do this in the early stages of development was difficult. But all round it is a very easy site to use and makes posting your ideas very easy with the ability to personalise your blog and make your posts as individual and different as you like.

Adobe In Design CS5.5 was again one of the most used technologies, as It was the software I used to create my three magazine pages. At first when Introduced It looks complicated, but once you have the basics in creating layers and shapes then the rest comes through experimenting and trial and error. I found it to be a very good and officiant way of designing my magazine pages as it was surprisingly easy to use and I would recommend it to anyone doing a similar project, and considering I have had no past experience with a programme like this, it provided me with all the necessary tools that where easy to find and use.

   SlideShare although I did not use much I found to be a very effective way of presenting updates to my blog, especially for my evaluation, it made it easier as there is a clear flow through the information and it looks neat and tidy on my blog compared to a oversized blog post. So I wish I had used it earlier as I think it would have gained me extra marks. But it is easy to use as all you have to do is upload a power point presentation and then embed it into a blog post. And out of the three way to present a blog, this would be my favourite, because of its ease of use and good presentation. 

Prezi as a way to present your work I found to work well, it gives you a large variety of options and even allows you to add music and animations like fade in and out. Although I personally did not like the software, as at time it was just to overly complicated and sometimes the website would have technical issues and not let me upload. But the principle was good as it offers a different way of presenting your ideas, and so I did find it quite useful, to an extent.

This was probably the programme that i used the least, only to touch up on the brightness and to increase colour contrast in my images. I have had a lot of past experience with this programme and have used it in many other projects like for A level Art coursework. It allows you to edit images at your own will with a vast erray of tool available to customise or add effects to images to enhance their look, a very good, but complicated programme to use, but I did not think I needed to use it to its full potential. blah blahahah

Other technologies that I used in the process of the magazine design are Laptops and computers, my mobile phone, to sometimes view my blog when on the move. And most importantly the SLR camera that I took all my images on, providing me with the professional quality i needed to create a good looking magazine.

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