Thursday 1 May 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

If my Magazine was a genuine publication on shelves to the public, my obvious answer to publish my magazine would be Bauer Media, and to distribute, Frontline. As Both have shown to be leaders in the media empire. 
Bauer are one of the biggest and most trusted media corporations in the world, they have been successful over many different media platforms and as technology has adapted and become more avalable, Bauer adapted to these changes and turned them into a posative by expanding their brand online and in other form like radio TV and more. And i believe this would be a great company to publish my product as they could expand my brand further to other platforms and getting it to a larger range and amount of people. Bauer as a brand is one of the most trusted as with all its brands it gives the reader, watcher or listener constant updates on information that is precise and relevant. It owns a wide range of companies and brands, from gossip magazines to Hard core metal music magazine.
There are rivals to Bauer, like IPC Media and Warner, and these would also be good choices to make when concidering publishing your product. But for me Bauer has the scale, heratage, and trust that cant be matched by many other corporations, and owns the majority of magazine brands I know. In terms of distribution Frontline would be my choice as it has worked with Bauer in the distribution of its brands like Q magazine which has always been a leader in the magazine industry before more platforms and free magazines came into the picture. I think my product would be able to contribute towards Bauer as It is more specific than Q magazine and tailors the the young rockers out there who dont want to read about Pop artists like in Q or other brands. It may be part of a smaller audience but I believe it will contribute successfuly towards the company. 

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