Monday 4 November 2013

Analysis of Article- Kerrang

the Article focuses on the band member, Jared Leto of 30 Seconds To Mars, the layout of the page is in a grid formation with the text down the left hand side of the page with the right side of the page being dominated by the large main image of the page which is the Artist himself which takes up the majority of the page, and draws your eye. The article is split up into smaller sub categories such as "Guilty Pleasures" and "Jared Also Loves" giving us a small insight into the band members mind. The main aim of the page though is explained in the title of the Article. "The songs that changed my life" followed by the list of songs with quotes from Jared on them, how they effected him and why they mean so much to him. The colour scheme of the page sticks to three main colours, Blue, Black and white, white being the background of the page, and the text mainly staying with the blue and black.

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