Wednesday 6 November 2013

Analysis of Q magazine front cover

The Splash for the cover is quite simply "Muse" the name of the band well known British band which this edition of Q magazine has chosen to be on their front cover. The colour of the font is white to make it stand out against the darker faded grey background of the cover and the dark image of the band member. The font is bold and in size is the second largest on the page, making it one of the first things the reader notices.

The Masthead "Q" follows the usual set out of the magazine with it being in the top left hand corner. But in this issue they have decided to link the masthead with the main image. The masthead is broken up and smashed linking to the aggression of the image which is of the band member hitting the masthead with his guitar which tells the reader of his anger or rebellious side. 

The main image is of a band member of Muse, he is stood holding a guitar by the neck as if he had just swang it, realting to the masthead being smashed. He is stood in quite and agressive stance and this is expressed further through his facial apperance. This can be seen as that he as an artist is doing well and is at the top of his game as a musician, therefore he can afford to be reckless.

The subsidary Articles are located to the left and the right of the page with articles such as "200 things you didnt know about the beatles" and "On tour with coldplay".  Due to the dark background the font color is dominantly white and red to stand out, also using bold texts to emphasise this.

The rest of the page is composed of the header bar , which is primeraly black with a white text stretching across it, simply reading. "The UK's biggest music magazine" and a "PLUS" section telling us what else is found in the magazine and the names to look out for. A nd finally the bar code, containing the issue date number and cost to the bottom left hand corner.

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