Thursday 21 November 2013

Analysis of Contents page NME

- Like any other contents page it has the magazines masthead which in this case is that of NME magazine.
- The page revolves around the main image which is of the band Arctic Monkeys and takes up a large amount of the page, suggesting to us that it is a main focus of this weeks issue and that it should interest readers.
- Underneath the main image is a section specifically about the band itself, again highlighting that it is a main article of the magazine and that readers should take the time to look at.
- Also surprisingly a section of the page is dedicated to advertisements of the magazine itself, reminding the reader of the value of the magazine only £1.49 an issue.
- Then down the right hand side is the contents, including 5 sections, News, Radar, Reviews, Live, and Features. with the relevant page numbers next to the texts.
- Finally a small section below talking about the Uks number 1 gig guide on page 59 in red to stand out.

The layout of the page follows a grid structure and so is easy to navigate around, The colour scheme to me seems quite bland and boring compared to other magazines which is not helped by the dark main image in the centre of the page. Maybe if they had changed the white background maybe to a more interesting colour the page would have had more of an impact.
Also I would include more subsidiary images, of popular bands with page numbers so that people can easily see bands that they like find the page number and read on instead of hoping it is in the contents margin or resorting to flicking through to try and find them.

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