Wednesday 6 November 2013

Analysis of double page contents Q magazine

This contents page unlike others has decided to be put over two pages, this gives them much more room and so they can make their text and images bigger to have more of an impact on the reader. The page is structured with the information on the left and right of the page spread with relating images of bands and other contents in the middle sections of the page. Unlike Magazines like Kerrang, Q magazine as we can see offers a much wider variety of artists which gives the magazine a selling edge as they have a much wider audience to the punk rock metal pages of Kerrang.
The grid formation is again apparent and gives structure to the page allowing easy reading and navigation through the images and texts. The information on either side of the two pages is split up by Red horizontal lines, this breaks up the text and allows the reader the focus on one pull line, Which include Artists such as the Sugarbabes, Gorillaz, and Mika.

 The images on the page include that of the Gorillaz, a cartoon version of one of the band members that usually is shown in their strange but meaningful music videos like that to one of their songs "Melancholy Hill" This image dominates the page, with its size and shear strangeness, it shows a character with the barrel of a gun pointing out of his mouth with rounds coming form his ears. On the second page we see much smaller images of  other artists or pages of interest with the page numbers in the corner. The double page contents follows the usual colour scheme, with black, white and red

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