Wednesday 6 November 2013

Analysis of Q magazine article MCR

This article focuses on the well known rock band My Chemical Romance, starting at the top of the page we see the title of this section of the magazine, "QNOW" which would suggest is articles covering the most recent and biggest events in the music world. This sets the colour scheme for the page with the white and red dominating the page.

The next down is the main and only image of the page of the band in question in their costumes for the video of their new song "Na Na Na" from the new album. The picture takes up more than half the page but makes the page look more appealing as there is not an overload of information. And over the top of the image is the title of the article in red and white "In the studio, My Chemical Romance". Suggested by the image the article focuses on the new album and how it was created, also mentioning recent losses in the band like their drummer.

The article itself is set in a column form usually found in newspapers, with a black on white layout, and at the bottom it even includes some band to band member banter, "Some of the guys look like they sleep with men for money"- Gerard Way. Which is separated from the article with a red line, also see in the Q magazine contents pages.

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